The 2025 Reunion

May 2025 | Richmond, Virginia

What is the Reunion?

It’s not just a shareholders meeting … it’s an opportunity for Markel Group shareholders, associates, and friends to connect, learn, and have fun.

The Forum

Panels and speakers to share insights and celebrate culture

Learn More

The Meeting

An event to share the story of our performance and answer questions from the audience

The Reception

A celebration with food trucks, refreshments, and a band

The 2024 theme

If Markel Group were a tree, the rings would tell you everything. They would show each phase of the expansion of our insurance business from a small regional carrier to a leading global specialty insurer, the growth of an investment portfolio from just a few dollars to more than $20 billion today, and the impact of each of the 19 different non-insurance businesses to join the Markel Group family.

These rings would tell the story of a tree nurtured and grown by generations of people. A tree that has provided fruit in the form of quality products and services to customers, rewarding careers for associates, and healthy returns for shareholders in the long term. It’s a tree that has become a gathering place for a community of people with shared values.

Of course, this is not a perfect tree. Our rings bear the scars from the hard times of the Great Depression, recessions, market swings, a few mistakes, and volatility. But whether it’s a long cold winter or fruitful spring, you can count on one thing: Markel Group will be there.

We will be there to resist the temptations of the day to grow roots from which long-term opportunities emanate. We will be there to learn from the storms we face so that we can reach new heights with each branch we replace. We will be there to grow stronger and taller so that we can always help our customers, colleagues, and shareholders win. Because if we have learned anything from nearly a century doing the work we do, it’s that there is nothing more important than being there.

A look back at years past.

Click below to see videos and pictures from the last few reunions.




What this reunion is all about.

The bookshelf

Every year, we offer a list of recommended books curated by our team, including “Tom’s book of the year.” To see the book list from last year, click the link below. Stay tuned for the 2024 book list soon.

“Gathered with value investor friends from around the US and even some from Europe.”

Isaac Schwartz

“Well planned, beautiful location, valuable sessions relevant to current events a first-class experience all around.”

Cory Lermo

“I reconnected with so many old friends and absorbed the tremendous energy and excitement of the meeting.”

John Foley


Join us for the next Omaha Brunch.